What if we can combine business incubation with improved public services by using public procurement to efficiently create new, scalable digital services, and drive a digital transition of both public and business sectors? This is the subject of this side event of European Week, and you are welcome to join the discussion.
Our health and welfare system is increasingly dependent on innovation and digital transition in order to meet the needs of the citizens, due to the changing demographics. The public sector has the potential to drive digital transition and innovation in both public and business sectors, but today, innovation procurement tends to be 90 percent procurement and 10 percent innovation.
In DigitalWell Demand Accelerator, a new methodology is co-created in a unique process involving a wide range of stakeholders – from Vinnova, Sweden’s Innovation Agency, Sweden’s National Agency for Public Procurement, ALMI Invest – Sweden’s biggest start-up investor, to the employees in the care and welfare administration in City of Karlstad Municipality, and tech start-ups.
Is it possible to transform Innovation Procurement to become 90 percent innovation and 10 percent procurement and thereby meeting the renewal needs of both public and business sectors?
In this info session, followed by Q&A, the initiators of DigitalWell Demand Accelerator will share their different perspectives of the challenge and the process forward.
Public sector as a driver of innovation and digital transition from two perspectives
– Kjell-Håkan Närfelt, Chief Strategy Officer, Vinnova
– Per Danielsson, City Legal Adviser, Karlstad Municipality
Combining SME acceleration and public procurement in practice
– Lina Svensberg, Process Leader, DigitalWell Arena, and co-founder DigitalWell Ventures
Questions and answers