MBV Systems - Compare MBV Systems - Compare

MBV Systems is a supplier of camera-based measurement systems for advanced measurement solutions in demanding environments for the process and manufacturing industries.

Our measurement applications are used in the mining, mineral and metal industries, as well as in the food industry.The applications have been developed for quality control, automation and process control. The solutions are based on image processing in 2D and industrially proven 3D technology.

Mer om MBV Systems

Inom MBV Systems finns djup kompetens inom:
  • Measurement by Vision
  • Advanced measurement solutions in demanding environments
  • 3DPM - 3D Particle size Measurement system
  • SlabScan - 3D Steel Slab Measurement system
  • Automated 3D Surface Analysis Systems
  • Vision based closed loop control

Timmermansgatan 16B
97233, Luleå

+46 (0)72 - 210 98 53


Besöks- och postadress

Sommargatan 101A
656 37 Karlstad

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