Companies in Värmland are wanted for one of the region's most important ventures for business. The goal is for more companies to develop their ability to use diversity and equality as a tool for leadership, innovation, recruitment and business advantages.

- It's about looking and thinking outside the box in relation to how the labor market actually looks. The male-dominated industries are gender-segregated in a way that is often directly inhibiting business, says Ulf Mellström, project leader and researcher at the Center for Gender Research, CGF.

Companies that want to go ahead and show the way
The Gender Academy is aimed at small and medium-sized companies in Värmland and is led by CGF. 12 companies are offered a unique opportunity to develop their business together with a team of process managers and researchers. It can be about the company's innovation ability, product development, recruitment or customer relations.

- We are looking for companies that want to lead the way and show the way for business life in Värmland. You may want to be involved in development or you may have already started the journey, says Nina Kask, company process manager. We will work in management groups or with HR staff and talk directly with those concerned to find out needs and long-term strategies and shape the work based on that. The company contributes with its time and commitment.

  • Are you a company operating in Värmland?
  • Do you have between 15 and 250 employees?
  • Do you want to develop your business?
  • Do you want to work for diversity and social responsibility?

Contact the Genus Academy and they will tell you more:

Nina Kask, company process manager
070-32 32 585

Manuel Almberg Missner, company process manager
076-23 25 791

The Gender Academy
The Genus Academy project for small and medium-sized companies is financed by the Norwegian Agency for Growth, Karlstad University and Region Värmland within the framework of the Academy for smart specialization, and will last for 3 years and 4 months. It covers approximately SEK 10 million and will involve 7-8 researchers from different subjects and departments at Karlstad University. Download pdf

Sommargatan 101A
65637, Karlstad

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