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Welcome to an inspiring online workshop where Stefan Skoglund, digital business developer at Compare, shows the possibilities and importance of digitization in your company.
COMING UP, Thursday 13th August 08:00-09:00: IoT Summer Breakfast - Kyrkviken Runt Livestream, Episode 03. Let's talk GreenTech, Renewable Energy, Solar Power, Innovation, Impact Investing, Blockchain and off-course IoT! Live from somewhere around Kyrkviken in Arvika,...
We want more people to join us for our digital coffee at Compare!
In this webinar arranged by Almi, you will gain insights into the basics of storytelling, how you can take advantage of different digital platforms to strengthen your brand and be inspired to dare to take the next step!
CANCELED We have been waiting and hoping that our partner trip to Oslo Big Data Day on June 16 will go ahead. Unfortunately, as you know, the pandemic has not eased and this means that we cannot carry out the trip as planned. The conference is canceled and will return next...
Do you want to reach new markets? Does your company work with climate-smart solutions? In this three-part webinar, you will receive concrete tools and practical examples of what is required to establish your sustainable business in growth markets.
On June 3, we welcome you as a Compare company to Stiftelsen Compare Karlstad's annual general meeting. Representatives from the companies are welcome.
The current crisis will provide many new opportunities, and the winners will be those that utilize the changes that are being forced upon us to invent new business models. While we should be cautious about predicting the future, we can assume that we won't revert back...
AFRY offers a turnkey online service and app that makes it easy to conduct large formal meetings such as congresses, national meetings and general meetings. It's easy to follow the agenda, manage motions and hold votes online. It is a greener...