If what must not happen nevertheless does - then a good and concrete continuity plan is needed. The Veriscan BCP Tool is a tool and method for creating, maintaining and coordinating continuity planning.

Most organizations have a pretty good idea of the types of incidents and disruptions that can happen, and in many cases there is also a continuity plan that describes what should apply when what should not happen actually does.

All too often, it is the case that a continuity plan is created and then lies dormant, never to be dusted off or communicated to employees. If you have a continuity plan that is neither updated nor communicated, the plan loses its purpose. Employees come and go, and the business is constantly changing. As this happens, the plan must also be regularly updated and communicated to provide concrete support.

Good planning is the best prerequisite for limiting the effects of the crisis and quickly returning to normalcy - but many organizations find it difficult to maintain well-functioning plans. One answer to why this happens is that you don't have access to the right tools to create and update plans, according to Veriscan.

The Veriscan BCP Tool is a tool for creating, maintaining and coordinating business continuity planning for the entire business. From being a burdensome and almost insoluble task, planning with the help of the tool becomes a simple way to face crisis situations in a structured way.

Download the Veriscan product sheet: BCP Tool
Download the Veriscan product sheet: Continuity planning

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