Jonathan wanted to do his internship somewhere where you both work with and have a great interest in testing. He became curious about Nordic Medtest early in the training because one of the teachers on the training, Martin Jansson (also a test expert at Nordic Medtest), talked a lot about the company. Jonathan talks about how he came to choose to write his thesis on the web accessibility directive.

- I am studying to become a technical tester, but at the same time want to be able to see the benefits of the work I do and gain a greater understanding of the entire chain. I previously studied social anthropology, so I have an interest in understanding different people's points of view, says Jonathan.

It was Martin Jansson who came up with the essay topic proposal and thought it would suit Jonathan.

- I thought it sounded good as it weaves together my interest in people's different points of view and my training as a technical tester, says Jonathan, who chose to move from Gothenburg to Karlstad for his internship.

The Web Accessibility Directive
The Web Accessibility Directive is standards and regulations developed to comply with these.

- In short, it can be described as guidelines for communication and information technology, to make it accessible to everyone, says Jonathan.

Jonathan goes on to talk about the value of the web accessibility directive, that at first you think it's for too few but actually it's for too many.

- The technology should be an aid, not an obstacle, says Jonathan. Which tells us that it is difficult to financially measure the value of accessibility. Which means that it is often prioritized away, even though the need is great.

Jonathan started his internship by reading about the accessibility directive, which for the web is based on 50 different requirements from WCAG 2.1. Through his own search for information and questions to co-workers at Nordic Medtest, he realized that he needed to divide the requirements into categories. In order to improve the process of adopting the accessibility directive and thus create value for others with their work.

User experiences and design
During the internship, Jonathan is part of a team at Inera, Nordic Medtest's owning company. The team is working on developing a design system for Inera's web pages, based on the perspectives of design and user experiences. The design system should be a reference when the pages are rebuilt. Jonathan's work is to see if developed components comply with the requirements for accessibility and are designed in an accessible way for users.

Internship at Nordic Medtest
Jonathan thinks it is a great advantage to do his internship at the office in Karlstad, because the staff are experts in testing with competencies in different areas.

-There are many people to brainstorm ideas with and get feedback from, says Jonathan. Workmates invite him when they see something that he could benefit from, and Jonathan has also had to contribute his knowledge of the web accessibility directive in the 1177 Vårdguiden.

- It's fun to be able to contribute with my perspective and to help someone else. It feels like everyone thinks this way at Nordic Medtest.

Jonathan has shared the work he has done in categorizing the requirements in the web accessibility directive, as well as adding interpretations to the requirements, so that others can more easily absorb the information, on Nordic Medtest's intranet. In addition, he held an appreciated lecture on the web accessibility directive for all of the company's employees. All in accordance with Nordic Medtest's goal of working with competence transfer.

Inera Test och utveckling AB
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