As a central player in e-health Sweden, Nordic Medtest has identified the need for a network for testers who work within or against the public sector. To meet the need, Testforum was created, where testers can jointly exchange knowledge and experiences, and together contribute to an increased focus on testing and quality assurance, in the digitization of the public sector. The plan is for Test Forum to be held twice a year, at Vitalis and at Inera.

-"The participants' input is just as important as the lecturers' input. That's why we spend as much time at focus stations, where we exchange experiences in testing with each other, as we spend at lectures," says Robert Magnusson, team leader and portfolio manager at Nordic Medtest.

Robert explains that it is the participants' wishes and current topics that set the agenda for Testforum.

- "Before Testforum this time, we have identified two major challenges in e-health. One challenge is that many people have to change medical record systems, the other is access to test data and its use. The focus will therefore be on these topics," says Robert.

Two lectures will be held: Kerstin Lyngfeldt, process manager, Västra Götaland region, lectures on Plans and challenges surrounding the introduction of the healthcare system of the future. The second lecture Validation in production, says Karin Lindh, Test Leader at Nordic Medtest.

This time the forum will have five focus stations: The personal data logger, Acceptance testing, Development support, Open test environment and How do we test NPÖ and the journal?

The test forum will take place at Vitalis - the Nordics' largest e-health conference, which is being arranged at the Swedish Fair in Gothenburg, May 21-23. Testforum is aimed at anyone who works practically with testing within a municipality, county council, authority or private actor in e-health.

Inera Test och utveckling AB
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