- This is a very exciting collaboration where our offers complement each other well. There is a great demand, especially from the public sector, for European or Swedish cloud service solutions, says Johan Christenson, CEO of City Network.

Almost a year ago, the European Court of Justice ruled that the rights of EU citizens are violated when their information is transferred to the United States, where the legislation surrounding intelligence activities does not offer the same rights as in the EU. The case concerned Facebook, but gained traction on all platforms that store and transfer information across the Atlantic. The ruling meant that it became illegal for certain actors in the public sector to store sensitive data in the American cloud services

- I am happy about the partnership between Consid and City Network. It enables more customers to, with regulatory compliance, use the advantages of cloud services, says Peter Hellgren, CEO Consid.

City Cloud and Compliant Cloud are the names of the global cloud services that are based on OpenStack and thus offered by City Network.

We have seen a strong demand for our cloud services, not only in Sweden, says Johan Christenson.

City Network is the initiator of the Swedish part of the European initiative Gaia-X, which is intended to become a network of cloud services on this side of the Atlantic and which will result in a European giant cloud and digital ecosystem.-We run and help customers with its digitization journey in several dimensions, i.a. with innovation and modern application development that uses cloud services as much as possible. City Network plays an important role in the market with its range of cloud services with the possibility of Swedish regulatory compliance, says Carl Nakamura, Business Area Manager Cloud, Consid.

Read more at: https://consid.se/nyhet/snabbvaxande-svensk-molntjanst-ingar-nytt-partnerskap/

Christopher Nilsson

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