- This is proof that we have succeeded in creating a culture where employees develop and experience job satisfaction. We work intensively to create the special Considandan, which involves collaborating across business area boundaries and ensuring that everyone gets the opportunity to achieve their full potential. It's about seeing the employees and listening. It often happens that I get an email outside of working hours where an employee has come up with a good idea and wants to share it. It is fantastic. I am moved by the commitment and love many people feel for Consid, says CEO Peter Hellgren.

Universum annually conducts several surveys that measure employers' internal Employer Brand. One of the most important factors in coming out stronger on the other side of the pandemic is engaged employees who not only perform well and want to stay - but who are also happy to tell others about how well their employer handled this period, thus helping to attract new talents. Universum states that it is especially important that the employees experience meaning and satisfaction during this period of remote work.

- It is becoming increasingly important to have an honest and transparent image - and here satisfied employees (ambassadors) are the best tool. Those who sit around the dinner table and talk a lot about their employer with their friends, says Hannah Öst, Employer Branding Advisor in a press release.

Christopher Nilsson

Office manager

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