Karlstad Innovation Park or online

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Register by 31/5 at the latest




Stiftelsen Compare Karlstad's annual general meeting 2021

At 10.30-11.15

Annual General Meeting 2021

On June 2, we welcome you as a member company in Compare to the Compare Karlstad Foundation's Annual General Meeting. Representatives from the member companies are welcome.

Any questions to the board must be received no later than May 26, 2021. Questions should be sent to fredrik.svensson@redpill-linpro.com.


Wednesday 2 June at 10.30-11.15


Karlstad Innovation Park, Sommargatan 101A or online via the Teams link, you choose how you want to participate in the registration. Under current circumstances, we encourage digital participation.

Please note that it is important that you have your video in order to participate in voting if you participate online.

Warm welcome!

Register by May 31.

Annual General Meeting agenda

1. Opening of the meeting

2. Determining the voter register

3. Election of a chairman to lead the meeting

4. Election of secretary for the meeting

5. Election of two adjusters as well as vote counters

6. The issue of the meeting's authorized announcement

7. Determination of the agenda

8. Presentation of the board's proposal for an annual report including an activity report

9. Presentation of the auditors' report

10. The issue of discharge of liability for the board

11. Election of chairman, board and other positions of trust

12. Questions, notified in writing in advance to the board

13. Closing of the meeting

Visiting and mailing address

Sommargatan 101A
656 37 Karlstad

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