The possibilities are unlimited, and we shape the program organically together!
The foundation was laid in 2024, when Compare, DigitalWell Arena, Karlstad Municipality and Karlstad University brought together a number of activities over two days. Several actors joined and jointly arranged around ten events in Karlstad. From workshops and lectures on AI and how we better use shared assets for innovation to the launch of the Smart and Sustainable Karlstad website.
Why should you participate?
- Showcase Värmland's innovations and opportunities.
- Network with curious and engaged people.
- Help create something unique that engages the entire region and beyond.
Who is it for?
Unfold Värmland is open to everyone – companies, researchers, creators, entrepreneurs, public actors, students and private individuals. Together we lift the region and inspire each other. Mark your calendar and start thinking about how you want to contribute or participate!
Good to know!
Unfold Värmland does not charge any fees for you as an organizer or as a visitor. Events can take place at any location and in any way, but we think it's extra fun with things that take place physically in Karlstad.
Keep an eye on what's happening!
On Smart Karlstad website The program will be updated continuously.
If you would like to contribute to Unfold Värmland, please contact:
Anders Milde, communicator, DigitalWell Arena
Marie Rosenlind, Communications Manager, Compare
Thomas Wernerheim, development strategist, Karlstad Municipality
Marie Rosenlind Nordensson
Communications & Support Functions Manager
+46 (0)73-046 22