ÅF, Hamntorget 3, 652 26 Karlstad

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Breakfast lecture - Game Intelligence

June 15 at 7:30 – 9:00

Full! Breakfast lecture - Game Intelligence

Welcome to an inspiring breakfast with Anders Norén from Game Intelligence AB who tells how, based on modern brain research and behavioral science at Karolinska Institutet, they developed a tool to identify and develop talent, without being limited by background, ethnicity or gender. But instead just focus on skills.

Through the Genius in ICT project, we focus on gender equality in the industry. During the spring, we invite you to three breakfast readings on the theme - How can we become more attractive employers for a wider target group? Come and have breakfast, share exciting knowledge and new perspectives on growth, leadership and how we attract the best talent to the industry.

This breakfast lecture is full. Mail lise.bergqvist@compare.se if you want us to put you on the reserve list.

Read more about Game Intelligence here

Read more about Genius in ict here

About Genius in ICT

The IT industry is facing a huge skills shortage and an important part is attracting more women. Only 22% of those working in IT in Värmland today are women. With the initiative Genius in ICT, we focus on gender equality within the industry in Värmland.

Melinda From

Process manager Genius in ICT

+46 (0)702 49 03 94

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