Are you interested in investment opportunities in Sweden and collaborations that will help build a smart society and accelerate the race towards net zero?
Sweden is leading the climate transition and the digital transformation, with innovation supported by an open free-trade economy with an inclusive and business friendly climate.
The Join Sweden Summit 2022 is a high-level physical event bringing together global changemakers in Sweden to focus on collaborative innovation to drive the digital and green transition. The event will be broadcast to a wider online audience.
- Learn from high-level global and national speakers, government ministers, business leaders, and entrepreneurs.
- Explore Sweden’s role in the green and digital transformation supported by leading industry areas and a competitive business and innovation environment.
- Understand the dynamic business ecosystem and how to accelerate your global growth – with set-up, expansion, innovation, collaboration, and investment.
- Connect with industry peers, potential partners, R&D and innovation institutes, Swedish businesses, and government officials.
Find out more about the Join Sweden Summit 2022
Join Sweden Summit – Digital Broadcast
Get your front-row digital seat to the Join Sweden Summit 2022 digital broadcast and get access to live discussions from the flagship event in Stockholm and tailored content displaying Sweden’s investment and collaboration opportunities. Your digital ticket will also give you online access to Swedish and international companies who are driving innovation for a sustainable future.
Explore the Digital Broadcast agenda here.
Secure your digital delegate ticket
Why Sweden, why now?
Sweden’s open, inclusive and solution driven mindset has set a high standard for innovation and creating solutions that make society better: from the three point seat belt to music streaming, and virtual doctor visits to sustainable mining, we have always been an active leader. Now, we want to collaborate with you.
Big ideas from industry, science, technology, and governments have the power to achieve greatness; to pioneer the possible to fundamentally shift how individuals, businesses, and society co-habit, consume, thrive.
Industry, innovation, insights, investment – all in one event
Explore opportunities, competence clusters and innovation capabilities by tuning into live workshops, digital site visits and seminars on Sweden’s leading industry and business areas:
- Smart Industry
- Smart Energy
- Smart Transport
- Digital Technologies
- Life Science
- WHEN: Monday June 20 – Tuesday June 21, 2022
- LOCATION: Live stream digital showcase
- COST: Free
- ORGANIZER: Business Sweden – Contact
Business Sweden
Business Sweden is commissioned by the Government and the Swedish industry to help Swedish companies grow global sales and international companies invest and expand in Sweden.