Cleverex Bemanning is located in Örebro, Karlstad, Stockholm and Västerås but operates throughout Sweden.

The company works with recruitment and staffing - mostly in IT, technology and finance.

Being able to network and be seen together with Compare is a matter of course as the investment in Värmland is substantial.

If you need help with recruitment and staffing - don't hesitate to contact us and we can offer you a good solution.

We would love to have a test case where you get a chance to see what we are all about.

On re-hearing!

Robin Özel

Consultant manager


Larsåke Wåhlén

Key Account Manager and Partner

Cleverex Bemanning AB
Radioatorvägen 15
70234, Örebro

Visiting and mailing address

Sommargatan 101A
656 37 Karlstad

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