Last updated: 2018-06-02

Our privacy policy aims to inform you about how we collect, process and share your personal data. Personal data means all kinds of information that can identify you in various ways. It also includes indirect information that can identify you through so-called triangulation.

By personal data is meant, for example, name, social security number, telephone number and e-mail address. Pictures are also personal data if it is clear who it refers to in the picture. Posts on social media, information about health, subscriptions, education, locations, interests and lifestyle are also considered personal data.

A processing of personal data is things that are done with the personal data, it can be reading, spreading, deleting, storing and collecting. Below we describe the various personal data that we process and answer the questions about what is processed, why treatment takes place, where the information is collected from, who the data is shared with and how long the data is saved.

1 This is how we process your personal data

1.1 When subscribing to newsletters
In connection with your subscription to our newsletter, we process personal data about you.

1.1.1 What personal data is processed when you sign up for our newsletter?
Email address

1.1.2 Why do we process and with what right?
Your personal data is processed to manage the newsletter subscription, it is done to keep what we promised when you signed up for the subscription (i.e. fulfill our agreement) of our newsletter. We need the information to be able to send you the letter. Through the statistics tool, we can see who opened and which links the person clicked on in the letter.

1.1.3 Where is the personal data collected from?
We receive the personal data from you in connection with signing up for the newsletter from our website or in connection with your company becoming an interested company in Compare.

1.1.4 Who is the personal data shared with?
Your data is also shared with Mailchimp who perform services on our behalf. Mailchimp is the platform we use for sending newsletters. Read more about Mailchimp at

1.1.5 How long is the personal data saved?
Your data is saved as long as you are a subscriber. You can choose to unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time through links in the email or contact one of our communicators.

1.2 Registration for events
In connection with your registration for one of our events, we process personal data about you.

1.2.1 What personal data is processed when you register for our events?
Your name, e-mail address, information that you have confirmed your participation in the event and, where applicable, also company name, company address, title and company affiliation and information about any food restrictions.

1.2.2 Why do we process and with what right?
Your personal data is collected to manage your participation at the event and to be able to communicate before and after the event. We communicate in order to be able to keep what we have promised according to the notification. When we process your personal data before an event, we do so based on contractual law in order to be able to keep what we have agreed upon when registering for the event.

After the event, we want to be able to communicate with you to ensure our quality work for future events. When we process your data in order to be able to communicate after an event, it is done with the support of a balancing of interests, as our interest in being able to ensure quality outweighs the interest in not having the data processed. We may also process information about allergies in order to adapt the food served during the event. That processing is done with the support of your consent.

1.2.3 Where is the personal data collected from?
We receive the personal data in connection with your registration for the event through one of the registration tools we use. Currently we use Trippus.

1.2.4 Who is the personal data shared with?
The information is handled within Compare and personal data is not disclosed to third parties unless otherwise stated in connection with the notification.

1.2.5 How long is the personal data saved?
Your personal data regarding your participation is saved as long as it is necessary for our accounting and tax records. By law, this data must be saved for seven years. Any information about food restrictions is deleted after the event is over. In cases where the event is part of a project with external funding, e.g. from the EU, the data may need to be saved for up to 13 years due to currently applicable legislation.

1.3 When you participate as a speaker at our events
Before you as a speaker or exhibitor participate in an event with us, as well as after the event, we process personal data about you.

1.3.1 What personal data is processed when you participate as a speaker at our events?
Your name, phone number, email address, photos, any video and audio recording of you from the event and your statements from interviews.

1.3.2 Why do we process and with what right?
Your personal data is processed so that we can inform the public about participating speakers/exhibitors at our event, to market our events and for subsequent publication on our website, in our newsletter and in our social channels.

If you are a speaker/exhibitor, you have agreed that we may use your name and image to use in our marketing, etc. When we process your data to inform about and market our events, it is done with the support of a so-called balancing of interests. In light of the fact that you have approved that we use your image and name in marketing, we have also made an assessment that there is an interest for us in being able to inform about and market our events and that this outweighs your interest in not receiving your data processed for this purpose.

1.3.3 Where is the personal data collected from?
We receive the personal data directly from you in connection with your registration as a speaker/exhibitor at our event and in connection with your participation in the event.

1.3.4 Who is the personal data shared with?
Your personal data may be shared on our website, in our newsletter and in our social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Vimeo and Youtube). The information we share on social media is of a news nature where we inform or market the event.

1.3.5 How long is the personal data saved?
Your personal data regarding your participation is saved as long as it is necessary for our accounting and tax records. By law, this data must be saved for seven years. Any information about food restrictions is deleted after the event is over. If the event you are participating in is part of an externally funded project, for example from the EU, your data may need to be saved for up to 13 years to ensure documentation according to current legislation.

1.4 When you participate as a visitor at our events
In connection with you as a visitor attending an event with us, we process personal data about you and on certain occasions we also take photographs or film during the event. If you do not want to be included in published material such as pictures or films, contact us before or after the event and let us know so that you cannot be identified.

1.4.1 What personal data is processed when you visit our events?
Your name, pictures, video and audio recording of you from the event and your statements from interviews.

1.4.2 Why do we process and with what right?
Your personal data is processed so that we can document and market our events and for subsequent publication on our website, in our newsletter and in our social channels. When we process your data to inform about and market our events, it is done with the support of legitimate interest. You can always request that we not publish pictures of you or let us know if you want to remove a published picture.

1.4.3 Where is the personal data collected from?
We receive the personal data directly from you in connection with your participation in the event.

1.4.4 Who is the personal data shared with?
Your personal data may be shared on our website, in our newsletter and in our social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Vimeo and Youtube). The information we share in our social media is of editorial design in connection with information and documentation from the event. If the event is connected to an EU project or project financed by Region Värmland or equivalent with an external financier, the data can be shared with the financier in question.

1.4.5 How long is the personal data saved?
Your personal data regarding your participation is saved as long as it is necessary for our accounting and tax records. By law, this data must be saved for seven years. Any information about food restrictions is deleted after the event is over. If the event you are participating in is part of an externally funded project, for example from the EU, your data may need to be saved for up to 13 years to ensure documentation according to current legislation.

1.5 If you are a contact person for an interested company
In communication with our stakeholder companies, we primarily use the companies' appointed contact persons. The companies themselves can add and remove contact persons for publishing job advertisements, events and news via logging in to

1.5.1 What personal data is processed when you register as a contact person for your company at Compare?
Name, title, phone number, email and picture.

1.5.2 Why do we process and with what right?
We process personal data in order to fulfill our commitment to stakeholder companies. This includes sending information, the possibility of logging in and marketing on as well as publication in our social media channels. The data is also saved in Compare's internal member company register. The personal data is processed based on your consent.

1.5.3 Where is the personal data collected from?
The data is collected from your company and you.

1.5.4 Who is the personal data shared with?
The data is shared with visitors to our public website, who open the page for the company's contact information. The data is also shared internally at Compare and in connection with invoicing to our financial agency as a basis for invoicing the company's membership fee to Compare.

2 Safety measures

Your personal data is processed in accordance with the law and in a secure manner. Procedures are in place to protect your personal data and protect your privacy. For example, we only process such personal data as we really need and are careful to delete personal data when they are no longer needed. The systems used to process personal data are continuously updated so that they are sufficiently secure, e.g. through anti-virus programs, firewalls and systems to detect personal data in various IT systems.

3 Your rights

The Compare foundation, org. no. 874001–3894 with address Sommarvägen 101A, 656 37 Karlstad, is the data controller for the processing of your personal data. This means that we are responsible for your personal data being processed correctly and in accordance with current personal data legislation.

The person in charge of personal data at Stiftelsen Compare is at the time employed by the CEO.

You have the right to know which personal data we process about you and can request a copy of this. You have the right to have incorrect personal data corrected and you can in some cases request that we delete your personal data (e.g. if the personal data is no longer necessary for the purpose). You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time for processing that we do because you approved it. It is important to know that, if you withdraw a consent, it only applies going forward and not for treatment that has already been done. You also have the right to object to certain processing of your personal data and request that the processing of your personal data be limited. Note that a restriction or deletion of your personal data may mean that we are unable to fulfill our commitments. You also have the right to obtain your personal data in a machine-readable format and to transfer the data to another personal data controller.

If you are dissatisfied with how we process your personal data, you have the right to report such dissatisfaction to the Swedish Privacy Protection Agency, which is the supervisory authority for our personal data processing.

If you have questions about how we process your personal data or if you want to use the rights you have when we process your personal data, please contact


This policy is only applicable to Stiftelsen Compare Karlstad and its subdomain. When you are linked to another website, it is recommended that you read the personal data policy applicable to that page. The Compare Foundation is not responsible for the processing of your personal data by other companies or websites.

4 Changes to the Policy
The Compare Foundation reserves the right to make changes to this policy on an ongoing basis to the extent that the changes are necessary to remedy disturbances or to meet new legal or technical requirements. Any changes to this privacy policy will be posted on

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